Kimi generated.

Command: scihub_selenium


This script is a command-line utility for downloading academic papers from SCI-HUB based on a provided RIS file containing references. It supports downloading the main papers as well as their references, and it can handle interruptions by saving the current session.


  • -i, --ris: The path to the RIS file containing the references of the papers to be downloaded.
  • -o, --out: The directory where the downloaded papers will be saved.
  • -r, --ref: A flag to enable the download of referenced papers in addition to the main papers.
  • -g, --gui: A flag to enable the graphical user interface for the web browser.
  • -u, --undetected: A flag to use an undetected Chrome driver for the browser.
  • -l, --log: A flag to enable verbose logging of the mbapy library.


The command performs the following actions: 1. Parses command-line arguments to configure the utility. 2. Sets up logging and error handling. 3. Retrieves available SCI-HUB URLs and selects one to use for downloading papers. 4. Parses the RIS file to extract paper information. 5. Initializes a Record object to keep track of downloaded papers and their references. 6. Sets up a web browser for downloading, with options for a graphical or headless mode. 7. Downloads the main papers and, if enabled, their references from SCI-HUB. 8. Handles exceptions by attempting to save the current session and logging the error. 9. Uses a progress bar to display the download status. 10. Allows for manual interruption of the process with the option to save the session.


  • The script requires the requests, tqdm, wget, and mbapy libraries.
  • It uses a Record class to manage and store information about downloaded papers and their references.
  • The Browser class from mbapy.web is used to interact with web pages for downloading papers.
  • The script includes exception handling to manage unexpected interruptions and attempts to save the progress.


mbapy-cli scihub_selenium --ris "path/to/references.ris" --out "downloaded/papers" --ref --gui

Additional Information

  • The script sets environment variables to control the behavior of the mbapy library and Pygame.
  • It uses multithreading to handle web server launch and record saving concurrently.
  • The handle_exception function is used as a custom exception handler to manage exceptions and save the progress when they occur.
  • The main function is the entry point of the script and orchestrates the paper download process.

Please replace "path/to/references.ris" with the actual path to your RIS file and "downloaded/papers" with your desired output directory when using the command. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to write to the output directory and that the RIS file is formatted correctly.