Kimi generated.

Command: mv


The mv command is a utility script that allows for the movement of files with specific suffixes or substrings in their names from a source directory to a destination directory. It provides options for recursive searching and filtering files by type and name.


  • -i, --input: The path to the source directory or file. This is the location from which files will be moved.
  • -o, --output: The path to the destination directory. This is where the files will be moved to.
  • -t, --type: A comma-separated list of file types to move. The file types should be specified without the dot (e.g., 'jpg' for JPEG images).
  • -n, --name: A substring of the file names to move. Only files with names containing this substring will be moved.
  • -r, --recursive: A flag that, when set, tells the script to search for files recursively within the input directory.


The script first checks if the input is a single file and the output is not a directory. If so, it moves the file directly. If the input is a directory or multiple files need to be moved, the script uses the get_paths_with_extension function to generate a list of file paths that match the specified criteria. It then iterates over these paths, creating any necessary directories in the destination path and moving each file.


  • The script uses the shutil module to move files and the os module to handle file paths and directories.
  • If the destination directory does not exist for a particular file, the script will create it before moving the file.
  • The script provides feedback on the console about the number of files that will be moved and skips any files that it cannot move, reporting these in the console.


To move all JPEG files from a directory to another:

mbapy-cli mv -i /path/to/source -o /path/to/destination -t JPG

To move all files with a specific substring in their names, non-recursively:

mbapy-cli mv -i /path/to/source -o /path/to/destination -n mysubstring

To move all files of a specific type, recursively searching the source directory:

mbapy-cli mv -i /path/to/source -o /path/to/destination -t docx -r