Kimi generated.

Command: avif


This Python script is designed to convert image files from JPEG format to AVIF format. It utilizes the argparse library to accept command-line arguments and the PIL (Python Imaging Library) with pillow_heif for handling AVIF images.


  • -t, --to: The format of the output file. Default is 'avif'. Other choices are 'heic' and 'jpg'.
  • -q, --quality: The quality of the output file. Default is 85.
  • -i, --input: The input file path or directory path. Default is the current directory ('.').
  • -r, --recursive: A flag to indicate if the search for input files should be recursive. Default is False.
  • -o, --output: The output file path or directory path. Default is the current directory ('.').
  • -rm, --remove-origin: A flag to indicate if the original files should be removed after conversion. Default is False.
  • -ifmt, --input-format: A comma-separated list of input file formats to search for. Default is 'jpg,jpeg,png,JPG,JPEG,PNG'.
  • -m, --multi-process: The number of processes for parallel processing. Default is 4.
  • -b, --batch: The number of batch size for a process. Default is 10.


The script will search for files with the specified input formats in the given input directory. It will then convert these files to the specified output format in the output directory. If the --recursive flag is set, the search will include subdirectories. If the --remove-origin flag is set, the original files will be deleted after successful conversion. The script supports multiprocessing to speed up the conversion process.


  • The script modifies the Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS to allow loading of large images.
  • It registers AVIF and HEIF openers with PIL to ensure compatibility with these formats.
  • The clean_path function is used to normalize the paths provided as arguments.
  • The show_args function is used to display the arguments that will be used by the script.
  • The transfer_img function handles the conversion process, including copying or converting files and updating file sizes.


To convert all JPEG files in the current directory to AVIF format in a new directory called 'avif', using a quality of 80 and removing the original files, the following command can be used:

mbapy-cli avif -i . -o avif -t avif -q 80 -rm -ifmt jpg

To perform the same operation recursively on a directory located at 'E:\My_Progs\z_Progs_Data_HC', using 2 processes, the command would be:

mbapy-cli avif -i "E:\My_Progs\z_Progs_Data_HC" -o "E:\My_Progs\z_Progs_Data_HC\avif" -r -t avif -q 80 -rm -ifmt jpg -m 2