This module provides utility functions for dataclass reading/writing from/to files and some game GUI.


transfer_bytes_to_base64 -> str

This function takes a bytes object and converts it to a base64 encoded string. It also has an optional parameter to compress the data using gzip before encoding.


  • data (bytes): The bytes object to be encoded.
  • use_gzip (bool): Optional. If True, the data will be compressed using gzip before encoding. Default is True.


  • str: The base64 encoded string.


  • This function uses the gzip module to compress the data if the use_gzip parameter is set to True.
  • The resulting base64 encoded string is decoded using the 'utf-8' encoding.


data = b'Hello, World!'
encoded_data = transfer_bytes_to_base64(data)



transfer_base64_to_bytes -> bytes

This function takes a base64 encoded string and converts it to bytes. It also has an optional parameter to decompress the data using gzip.


  • data (str): The base64 encoded string to be converted to bytes.
  • use_gzip (bool): Optional parameter to indicate whether to decompress the data using gzip. Default is True.


  • data (bytes): The converted bytes.


  • This function assumes that the input data is a valid base64 encoded string.
  • If use_gzip is set to True, the function will attempt to decompress the data using gzip.


import base64

data = "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh"
result = transfer_base64_to_bytes(data)
# Output: b'Hello world!'

compressed_data = "H4sIAAAAAAAA/8vPBgBHw6WAgAAAA=="
result = transfer_base64_to_bytes(compressed_data, use_gzip=True)
# Output: b'Hello world!'



BaseInfo is a base class for common information storage.


  • to_dict(): convert the atributes but not the methods to a dictionary.
  • from_dict(): convert a dictionary to an object.
  • to_json(): update and save a dict from to_dict() to a json file.
  • from_json(): update and load a dict from a json file.
  • update(): update the un-jsonable attributes of the object after obj.init() and from_dict.


class MyInfo(BaseInfo):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.arr = np.array([1, 2, 3])
o1 = MyInfo()
d = o1.to_dict()
o2 = MyInfo().from_dict(d)


This class represents a color surface. It generates a color map by calculating the color values at each pixel based on the positions and colors of a set of dots.


  • size (Size): The size of the color surface.
  • sum_dots (int): The number of dots on the color surface.
  • timestamp (numpy.ndarray): The timestamp of each dot.
  • delta_ts (numpy.ndarray): The change in timestamp of each dot.
  • delta_x (numpy.ndarray): The change in x-coordinate of each dot.
  • delta_y (numpy.ndarray): The change in y-coordinate of each dot.
  • dots_x (numpy.ndarray): The x-coordinates of the dots.
  • dots_y (numpy.ndarray): The y-coordinates of the dots.
  • dots_col (numpy.ndarray): The colors of the dots.
  • map_x (numpy.ndarray): The x-coordinates of the color map.
  • map_y (numpy.ndarray): The y-coordinates of the color map.
  • mat (numpy.ndarray): The color map.


  • __init__(self, size: Size, sum_dots: int = 4, max_delta_x = 5, max_delta_y = 5) -> None: Initializes the ColorSur object with the given size, number of dots, maximum delta x and maximum delta y.
  • _update_dots_pos(self, dot_x_or_y: np.ndarray, dleta_x_or_y: np.ndarray, x_or_y_boundry: int): Updates the positions of the dots based on their current positions, delta x or y, and the boundary.
  • _update_dots_col(self): Updates the colors of the dots based on the timestamp.
  • _calc_once(self): Calculates the color map based on the positions and colors of the dots.
  • update(self): Updates the color surface by calculating the color map and updating the positions and colors of the dots. Returns the color map as a uint8 numpy array.


size = Size(100, 100)
color_sur = ColorSur(size)
color_map = color_sur.update()