Kimi generated.



This Python script is designed to download images from the Duitang website based on a user-provided search query. It uses the argparse library to parse command line arguments, BeautifulSoup for parsing HTML content, selenium for browser automation, and tqdm for progress display.


  • -q, --query: The search query string to use on Duitang. If the query contains spaces, it should be enclosed in quotation marks. Defaults to an empty string.
  • -n, --num-pages: The number of pages from which to download images. Defaults to 5.
  • -o, --output: The directory path where the downloaded images will be saved. Defaults to the current directory.
  • -t, --type: The file type of the image files to download. Can be either 'jpg' or 'avif'. Defaults to 'jpg'.
  • -g, -gui: A flag to indicate whether to use Selenium's GUI mode for downloading images. Defaults to False (headless mode).
  • -u, --undetected-chromedriver: A flag to indicate whether to use an undetected ChromeDriver with Selenium. This can help avoid detection by certain websites. Defaults to False.


  1. The script sets up command line argument parsing and defines the expected arguments.
  2. It initializes a Selenium Browser object with the specified options, including whether to run in headless mode and whether to use an undetected ChromeDriver.
  3. The script uses the Duitang base URL to start a search based on the provided query.
  4. It scrolls through each page, extracts image URLs, and initiates downloads for each image.
  5. The script uses a coroutine pool to asynchronously download images, which can improve download speed.
  6. It saves a record of downloaded URLs to avoid re-downloading the same images in future runs.


  • The script requires the selenium, beautifulsoup4, tqdm, and pillow_heif (for AVIF support) libraries to be installed.
  • The Configs.web.request_header is used as the User-Agent string for HTTP requests, which should be defined within the mbapy library or the script's configuration.
  • The script includes error handling and logging functionality through the put_err function from the mbapy library.
  • The clean_path function is used to sanitize the output directory path.
  • The show_args function displays the provided arguments in a formatted manner.


To run the script with a search query and download 10 pages of images in AVIF format to a specified directory:

mbapy-cli duitang -q "search term" -n 10 -o "/path/to/output" -t avif

To run the script in GUI mode with headless disabled:

mbapy-cli duitang -q "search term" -g

To run the script with an undetected ChromeDriver:

mbapy-cli duitang -q "search term" -u