Kimi generated.

Command: plot-hplc


The plot-hplc command is a Python script designed to process and visualize high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) data. It is capable of reading data files, typically in the ARW format exported by Waters systems, and generating plots of the absorbance over time.


  • -i, --input: The directory containing the data files. Defaults to the current directory if not specified.
  • -s, --system: The HPLC system used. Currently, only 'waters' is supported and it's the default.
  • -r, --recursive: If set, the script will search for data files recursively within the input directory.
  • -merge: If set, the script will merge data from multiple files into a single plot.
  • -o, --output: The directory where the output plots will be saved. Defaults to the same directory as the input if not specified.
  • --min-peak-width: A float value to filter peaks by their minimum width in the HPLC plot.
  • -xlim: A string to set the x-axis limit for the plot, in the format "xmin,xmax".
  • -colors: A string specifying the color of the plot lines.
  • -labels: A string to label peaks, formatted as "mass,label[,color];...".
  • -flabels, --file-labels: A string to label files, formatted as "label,color;...".
  • -labels-eps: A float value representing the epsilon for recognizing labels.
  • -expand: A float value to expand the x and y axes of the plot.
  • -lpos, -legend-pos: The position of the legend on the plot, either as a string like "upper center" or as coordinates as two floats.
  • -lposbbox1, -legend-pos-bbox1: The bbox anchor for the legend position.
  • -lposbbox2, -legend-pos-bbox2: The second bbox anchor for the legend position.


The script will read the specified HPLC data files, process them, and create plots of the absorbance over time. If the merge option is used, it will combine data from all files into a single plot. The plots will be saved in the specified output directory.


  • The script requires the matplotlib, numpy, pandas, and scipy libraries to be installed.
  • The script assumes that the HPLC data files are in the ARW format if the --system is set to 'waters'.
  • The script uses environment variables MBAPY_AUTO_IMPORT_TORCH and MBAPY_FAST_LOAD to control certain behaviors, which are set at the beginning of the script.


To plot HPLC data from the current directory and save the output in a directory named 'plots':

mbapy-cli hplc plot-hplc -i . -o plots

To plot HPLC data from a specific directory, recursively search within that directory, and merge the plots:

mbapy-cli hplc plot-hplc -i /path/to/data -r -merge -o /path/to/output

To plot HPLC data with specific labels and colors:

mbapy-cli hplc plot-hplc -i /path/to/data -labels "1000,Pep1;1050,Pep2" -flabels "228,blue;304,red" -o plots