
This module provides functions for plotting regression lines and scatter plots, with options for customization and additional features like confidence intervals and color mapping. It also includes a function to add a detailed legend to the plots, which can handle both the main plot elements and regression lines.

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plot_reg(X: str, Y: str, df: pd.DataFrame, ax: plt.Axes = None, figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (11, 6), method: str = 'line', ci: int = 95, order: int = 1, color: str = 'black', linewidth: float = 2) -> dict

Function Overview

Performs regression analysis and plots the regression line on the given DataFrame's data.


  • X (str): The column name in df for the X-axis.
  • Y (str): The column name in df for the Y-axis.
  • df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing the data for plotting.
  • ax (plt.Axes): The Axes object to plot on. If None, a new Axes will be created.
  • (figsize)*: The size of the figure as a tuple (width, height).
  • method (str): The regression method to use ('line', 'quad', or 'sns').
  • ci (int): The confidence interval for the regression line when using the 'sns' method.
  • order (int): The order of the polynomial for quadratic regression.
  • color (str): The color of the regression line.
  • linewidth (float): The width of the regression line.


A dictionary containing the Axes object, regression result, and the Line2D object of the regression line.


plot_reg('x_column', 'y_column', data_frame, method='sns', order=2)

plot_scatter(X: str, Y: str, df: pd.DataFrame, label: str = None, size: Union[str, np.ndarray] = None, color: Union[str, np.ndarray] = 'black', cmap: plt.Colormap = None, cmap_label: str = None, cmap_lim: Tuple[float, float] = (None, None), cmap_tick_fn: Callable = lambda x: f'{x:.1f}', cmap_anchor: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.5), alpha: float = 1, marker: str = 'o', ax: plt.Axes = None, figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (10, 6), ticks_fontsize: int = 14, label_fontsize: int = 15, axis_fontsize: int = 20, reg: bool = False, reg_kwargs: dict = None) -> dict

Function Overview

Plots a scatter plot with options for color mapping and regression line plotting.


  • X (str): The column name in df for the X-axis.
  • Y (str): The column name in df for the Y-axis.
  • df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing the data for plotting.
  • label (str): The label for the scatter plot.
  • size (Union[str, np.ndarray]): The size of the markers in the scatter plot. Can be a column name or a numpy array.
  • color (Union[str, np.ndarray]): The color of the markers. Can be a column name or a numpy array.
  • cmap (plt.Colormap): The colormap to use for the scatter plot.
  • cmap_label (str): The label for the colormap.
  • cmap_lim (Tuple[float, float]): The limits for the colormap.
  • cmap_tick_fn (Callable): A function to format the colormap's tick labels.
  • cmap_anchor (Tuple[float, float]): The anchor point for the colorbar.
  • alpha (float): The transparency of the markers.
  • marker (str): The style of the markers.
  • ax (plt.Axes): The Axes object to plot on. If None, a new Axes will be created.
  • (figsize)*: The size of the figure as a tuple (width, height).
  • ticks_fontsize (int): The font size for the ticks.
  • label_fontsize (int): The font size for the labels.
  • axis_fontsize (int): The font size for the axis titles.
  • reg (bool): Whether to plot a regression line.
  • reg_kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for the plot_reg function.


A dictionary containing the Axes object, the scatter plot PathCollection, a Figure (if a new one was created), the regression Line2D (if plotted), the regression result (if calculated), and the Colorbar (if a colormap was used).


plot_scatter('x_column', 'y_column', data_frame, size='size_column', color='color_column')

add_scatter_legend(scatters: Union[PathCollection, List[PathCollection]], reg_lines: Union[Line2D, List[Line2D]], reg_results: Union[dict, List[dict]], ax: plt.Axes, main_h_kwgs: dict = None, reg_h_kwgs: dict = None, main_kwgs: dict = None, reg_kwgs: dict = None)

Function Overview

Adds a detailed legend to a scatter plot, handling both the scatter plot elements and the regression lines.


  • scatters (Union[PathCollection, List[PathCollection]]): The scatter plot elements to add to the legend.
  • reg_lines (Union[Line2D, List[Line2D]]): The regression lines to add to the legend.
  • reg_results (Union[dict, List[dict]]): The regression results used to create labels for the regression lines.
  • ax (plt.Axes): The Axes object to add the legend to.
  • main_h_kwgs (dict): Keyword arguments for the main legend handler.
  • reg_h_kwgs (dict): Keyword arguments for the regression legend handler.
  • main_kwgs (dict): Keyword arguments for the main legend.
  • reg_kwgs (dict): Keyword arguments for the regression legend.


The Axes object with the added legends, as well as the main legend and regression legend objects.


add_scatter_legend(scatter_plot_elements, regression_lines, regression_results, current_axes)